Na | Ma
A site-specific creative workshop exploring the in-between space of natural and manufactured realities impacting wildlife and their ecosystems.
Observing the realities of the Los Angeles River through an architectural lens while uplifting community centered experiences and narratives. Participants undergo a series of lectures, discussions, field journaling site visits and a hands-on creative workshop experience.
The workshop holds space for intentional conversations inclusive of settler colonialism as an ecological threat affecting both wildlife and humans, the normalization of extractive making and de-centering humans as an alternative.
With invited guest, Lazaro Arvizu Jr., culture bearer and artist. Led by Lilliana Castro, an architectural designer and educator. The conversations will be rooted in understanding how the impacts of massive urbanism, gentrification and the culture of commodity have displaced nature and its ability to regenerate.
This workshop is a part of USC Vision & Voices series in conjunction with The Vanishing Worlds of Audubon, illuminating the works of artists and scientists who are addressing the challenges of avian extinction, habitat destruction, and the ever-growing threat of global climate change. Hosted and commissioned by Clockshop, a Los Angeles-based arts and culture nonprofit.
Na | Ma
Through the dissolution of borders we can create ‘buffer habitats’ to restore ecological functions where wildlife and humans can thrive.
It is this in-between Nature and Manufactured moments where we can intentionally form a bridge.

Let’s listen to nature.
By engaging in an active listening exercise, we commit to an immersive experience of the senses. What does nature sound like? What is the language that it speaks to us?
Let’s listen to manufacture.
By engaging in an active listening exercise, we commit to an immersive experience of the senses. What does high speed travel sound like? What is the language that it speaks to us?
Educational Shorts
These shorts are intended for educational purposes to provide contextual narratives and guidance for the Na|Ma creative workshop.
Filmed and edited by Shirley J. Kim-Ryu, Solano Film Collective.
Na|Ma USC Lecture Byte 01
Na|Ma In Conversation with Lazaro Arvizu Jr.